Deutsches Technikmuseum

Berlin, Germany

Lif at the Sci­ence Centre Spec­trum at the Deutsche Tech­nikmu­seum The Sci­ence Centre Spec­trum at the Deutsches Tech­nikmu­seum brings the world of nat­ural sci­ences and tech­nol­ogy closer to young and old in play­ful fash­ion. The reopened hands-on exhi­bi­tion is located in the former man­age­ment build­ing of Anhal­ter Bahn­hof sta­tion in Mock­ern­strase in Berlin. As part of the ren­o­va­tion, the entrance area of the Sci­ence Centre has been redesigned.

The goal was to design a spa­cious new entrance for museum vis­i­tors and the nearby Gleis­dreieck-Park. But how could a rep­re­sen­ta­tive spa­tial sit­u­a­tion be cre­ated using light? The archi­tects Mohring Architek­ten opted for a light­ing solu­tion using Lif. The reduced cylin­der shape of the light column upgrades the museum‘s entrance area, which is inte­grated into the sur­round­ing urban area by means of its ele­gant glow. Eleven Lif light columns in total – two of which are spon­sored by Selux – light up the cob­bled y-shaped fore­court. Light from the facade ele­ment is beamed onto the front of the museum at the same time. The inno­v­a­tive Lif system is part of the LED cat­walk at the Deutsches Tech­nikmu­seum: Along a route of 1500 metres, var­i­ous light­ing con­cepts, traf­fic sit­u­a­tions and colour tem­per­a­tures are pre­sented by more than 70 lumi­naires. The LED cat­walk thereby demon­strates the options of con­tem­po­rary inno­v­a­tive street light to any inter­ested par­ties. The Lif light columns are already pre­pared for this. The open mount­ing ele­ments will enable inte­gra­tion of future sen­sors for air mea­sure­ments or park­ing space man­age­ment and there­fore render the light­ing system suit­able for var­i­ous smart city appli­ca­tions.

architect: Möhring Architekten

lighting designer: Karsten Krause, lightview

photographer: Werner Huthmacher, Berlin

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