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Tal - A valu­able con­tri­bu­tion to the future

16 July 2020

Eco­nom­i­cal light for gen­er­a­tions to come. The new TAL pole lumi­naire by Selux, makes deci­sions about invest­ments in solid, future-​reli­able light­ing and design qual­ity in urban spaces easy. In this way, Selux will help you make a respon­si­ble con­tri­bu­tion to a sus­tain­able future for your city, thereby achiev­ing impor­tant envi­ron­men­tal goals.

Tal con­sti­tutes a high-​per­for­mance, flex­i­ble light tool for vir­tu­ally all appli­ca­tion areas in tech­ni­cal exte­rior light­ing. At an unbeat­able price/​performance ratio in out­stand­ing Selux qual­ity and with ser­vice guar­an­teed or gen­er­a­tions to come. Intel­li­gent com­po­nents for smart cities can be installed via optional Zhaga bases in the alu­minium diecast hous­ing. Design fea­tures like a uni­ver­sal pole­flange with inte­grated tilt adjust­ment, Zhaga-​con­form­ing LED mod­ules, and spare con­struc­tion space for indi­vid­ual cus­tomer require­ments illus­trate how Tal con­sti­tutes a flex­i­ble, durable, yet at the same time highly eco­nom­i­cal light­ing solu­tion.

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