Strax roof terrace

Bergen, Norway

For all involved in the project, it was a bal­anc­ing act that was a chal­lenge in every way: how to create dig­ni­fied con­di­tions for addicts in Bergen’s urban area? In plan­ning this refuge, the land­scape archi­tects at Nor­con­sult went for a bal­ance between screen­ing and vis­i­bil­ity, ensur­ing both the users of the facil­ity and the town’s inhab­i­tants were taken into account.

As a result, the Strax roof ter­race is a place of dis­tinc­tion. The warm colors and nat­ural mate­ri­als com­mu­ni­cate more con­fi­dence and safety than shabby under­passes or unlit parks – with light­ing han­dled by the Olivio family of system lumi­naires via its Flo­racion design line. Each of the three sun­shine yellow poles with a grey inlay con­tains four Grande-sized LED lumi­naire heads in the same yellow color. Intel­li­gent con­trol, as well as tol­er­ance, are pro­vided by the Philips City­Touch tele­m­an­age­ment system – an impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion to the effi­ciency and sus­tain­abil­ity of this Nor­we­gian city.

lighting desginer: Norconsult


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