The »Adjusting White« light profile combines orientation for people, dark zones for nature and energy efficiency all in a natural cycle
Lighting in urban spaces creates a sense of security. However, light should never be brighter than necessary to preserve natural dark zones for plants and animals and to save energy.
The »Adjusting White« light profile adapts to natural rhythms and changes the light intensity of a luminaire depending on the time and frequency of use.
The course of a day
At dusk, the luminaire switches on automatically with high light intensity
In the early evening with high light intensity
At night, the light intensity is further reduced
At dawn the light intensity is again increased with increased human activity
In the course of a year
Luminaires available with the »Adjusting White« light profile
The thought-through intelligence is entirely preprogrammed in each luminaire. The luminaire is installed and commissioned just as before. There is no need for time-consuming planning and support. The only thing we need from you is the location and type of space of your project. Based on this information, the sun path and other intelligence are automatically calculated and programmed.