Lif Hourglass

Saint-Etienne, France

The final stops of the T3 tram line in Saint-Eti­enne will in future be adorned with light hour­glasses. The hour­glasses have been cre­ated by the Cobalt Lumière design agency and are based on our Lif light columns, which can be found else­where in the town.

The light hour­glasses are located next to the tram stops. These con­sti­tute intel­li­gent elec­tri­cal sig­nage that uses light sig­nals to indi­cate to pas­sen­gers the wait­ing time until the next tram arrives. While the hor­i­zon­tal green lines indi­cate the time left until the next tram in one direc­tion, the hor­i­zon­tal blue lines indi­cate the same for the other direc­tion. The less lines that are shown, the nearer the tram is. As a result, pas­sen­gers can tell whether to con­tinue approach­ing the stop as they are already doing or if they have to hurry to catch the next tram.

client: Saint-Etienne Métrople - STAS

lighting designer: Cobalt Lumière

electrical planning: Egis

electrical installation: Bouygues Energies & Services – Instalum – Engie

photographer: Agron Bislimi

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