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Elo Shape: Purity of light and form

29 May 2020

Bol­lards, columns, wall-mounted lumi­naires and pole-mounted lumi­naires — the Elo family is a holis­tic system for pure light around build­ings. Selux com­pletes this system with Elo Shape: the pole-top lumi­naire is given a clas­si­cal form in the design vari­ant with a cir­cu­lar roof.

The slim cylin­dri­cal lumi­naires also con­vince with the high light qual­ity and effi­ciency of the Tritec optics. Whether used for foot­paths, entrance areas, or local roads, Elo will emit light that is har­mo­nious in any sit­u­a­tion, serv­ing as an ele­gant beacon to pro­vide secu­rity and guid­ance.

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