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Yloo: Ele­gant, effi­cient and all-round func­tional

20 January 2021

The cir­cu­lar shape of its lumi­naire head is the char­ac­ter­is­tic design fea­ture of Yloo. This makes it a wel­come alter­na­tive among pole and pen­dant lumi­naires for urban spaces.

Its pre­cise light­ing tech­nol­ogy allows for sit­u­a­tion-​appro­pri­ate light dis­tri­b­u­tions and light colours which cor­re­spond to the high Selux stan­dard, as does the time­less qual­ity of design details, mate­ri­als and sur­faces. What makes the Yloo par­tic­u­larly attrac­tive is its wide range of designs and mount­ing options. These make it pos­si­ble to illu­mi­nate urban spaces in all their dif­fer­ent forms with a single system: The vari­ants range from post-top lumi­naires for res­i­den­tial streets, paths or squares to post-top, post-mounted pen­dant and cate­nary lumi­naires for wide streets and large areas.

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