World Trade Center Memorial

New York City, USA

The World Trade Center Memo­r­ial in New York City is the cen­tre­piece of the new World Trade Center. Strict design guide­lines regard­ing sus­tain­abil­ity had to be observed for the plan­ning of Memo­r­ial Plaza. Bear­ing this in mind, Land­scape Archi­tect Peter Walker and Light Designer Paul Marantz opted to work with Selux to develop the light­ing for this envi­ron­men­tally-friendly public space.

Effi­cient, design-ori­ented steles were installed using MTR columns, the shape of which recalls the archi­tec­tural lan­guage of the Twin Towers. The luminaire’s MTR refrac­tors attain long cast­ing tra­jec­to­ries with max­i­mum anti-glare prop­er­ties, ensur­ing opti­mum visual com­fort for vis­i­tors to the plaza at this spe­cial New York City site. The project is cur­rently under­go­ing the LEED Gold cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­ce­dure and has been planned to comply with the require­ments of both the New York State Exec­u­tive Order 11 and the WTC Sus­tain­abil­ity Design Guide­lines.

architect: Handel Architects; Davis Brody Bond Architects

landscape architect: Peter Walker & Partners

lighting designer: Fisher Marantz Stone

photographer: Ines Long, Archphoto

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