
Berlin, Germany

At the start of the 19th cen­tury it was the res­i­dence for Friedrich Wil­helm III’s three daugh­ters, but today it is a new loca­tion for the arts and a meet­ing place in Berlin. Any per­sons wish­ing to dis­cover cul­ture via an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary expe­ri­ence are wel­come at the Palais Pop­u­laire in the former Prinzessin­nen­palais (Princesses’ Palace).

The build­ing designed by Kuehn Malvezzi has been given a new light set­ting using the Lif. As well as a twinspot module, the six-metre high light columns are equipped with a camera and a façade module for the beam­ing of objects. The robust, con­fi­dent design of the Lif enriches the his­toric sur­round­ings of this palace on Unter den Linden with­out dom­i­nat­ing it.

architect: Kuehn Malvezzi

lighting designer: Stephan Zimmermann, Lightsolutions

photographer: Werner Huthmacher, Berlin

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