Strengthen identities and setting relaxed accents –
wooden poles create natural living spaces in which people feel comfortable.
Sustainable and robust
For wooden poles, we use high-quality and robust softwood from sustainably managed European forests. The heartwood is glued along the grain by a finger joint, which prevents cracks during the drying process. A special weatherproof glaze gives the wooden poles a long service life.
Six different wood tones
refer to any architectural context
Three graded shades of brown, Redwood, Cool Scandanavian and Canadian Brown, provide a particularly warm and natural effect, while the more neutral shades Himalaya Grey, Rockymountain Grey and Tenerrifa Grey are suitable for a more neutral appearance in urban spaces.
Certified sustainability
Only wood from sustainably managed forests is used for our poles. It is certified according to the ›PEFC‹ or ›FSC‹ standards - international forest certification programmes that aim for ecological, social and economically sustainable forestry.
Controlled quality
The voluntary certification ›Acerbois Glulam‹, initiated by manufacturers, guarantees the reliability and constant quality of the construction elements used by means of independent checks twice a year. It certifies the resistance and use classes, the preservative, the type of glue used and the use of wood from sustainably managed forests.