Waterfront of Tréport

Le Tréport, France

The small fish­ing town of Le Tré­port is sit­u­ated on the Eng­lish Chan­nel coast, directly at the estu­ary of the River Bresle. It is a spec­tac­u­lar loca­tion, with the town wedged between the sea and the cliffs in places. Tré­port is also home to the high­est chalk cliff face in Europe, at a height of up to 110 metres.

This impres­sive urban set­ting was recently redesigned as part of a devel­op­ment project. The type of light­ing always plays a key role in projects of this type since it has to be coor­di­nated to the over­all con­cept. Sub­se­quently, the choice of mate­ri­als is key, both in terms of aes­thet­ics and func­tion.

Sojourn qual­ity in Tré­port is now enhanced during the evening by a new light­ing con­cept, with spe­cial light moods adorn­ing the water­front gen­er­ated from var­i­ous scenes. Light effects are gen­er­ated using Olivio RGBW pro­jec­tors dynam­i­cally pro­ject­ing var­i­ous colours. As a result the light­ing can be adjusted as required.

The second part of the prom­e­nade is illu­mi­nated using Aira lumi­naires. With its dis­tinc­tive shape and trans­par­ent design, the Aira blends per­fectly into the pic­turesque envi­ron­ment with­out dom­i­nat­ing it.

client: City of Tréport

landscape architect: Espace Libre - Atelier de Paysage et d'Urbanisme

electrical planning: BERIM electrical installation ENGIE

photographer: Andreas Stenger

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